Mikarimin. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria ISSN 2528-7842
Game-based Learning Strategy to develop English Skills
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes - Sede Santo Domingo. Ecuador.
Game-based learning strategy to develop English skills among bachelor students
Game-based learning strategy to develop English skills
AUTHORS: Lozada Riera Maritza Anabel
Riera Tubon Iralda Mercedes
Castellano Quevedo Vinicio Amable
Lozada Riera Nataly Paola
Address for correspondence: maritzalozada9@gmail.com
Date received: November 15, 2023
Date of acceptance: January 26,2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.61154/mrcm.v10i1.3328
Improving English proficiency, especially in regions where it is not the mother tongue, can pose a
number of challenges. As a result, a number of researchers have taken steps to investigate and
create new strategies to address this problem. Aiming to strengthen English language learning and
skills such as listening, reading, speaking, and writing, this study constructed a Game-based
Learning strategy to improve English skills in bachelor students. For that reason, this study is quasi-
experimental, with a quantitative approach and descriptive scope, since the participants were first,
selected through the convenience and opportunity sampling method, then classified into control
and experimental groups, and finally, evaluated through the Cambridge Test PET (Preliminary
English Test B1) which functioned as a pre-test and post-test. Later, the results obtained in the pre-
Master’s Degree in Digital Marketing and e-commerce, Universitat de Barcelona, Cotopaxi-Ecuador,
maritzalozada9@gmail.com, CÓDIGO ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7464-0527
Master’s Degree in Pedagody of English as a foreign language, Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Cotopaxi-Ecuador.
iraldamercedes19@gmail.com, CÓDIGO ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0006-1947-6932
Master’s Degree in Pedagogy of Education and Digital Environments, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador,
Cotopaxi-Ecuador, vinycastellano@hotmail.com, CÓDIGO ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0006-5593-4072
Translator, Universidad Autónoma de los Andes, Cotopaxi-Ecuador, paolozada.13@gmail.com CÓDIGO ORCID:
Lozada Maritza
Riera Iralda, Castellano Vinicio, Lozada Nataly
Revista Mikarimin. Publicación cuatrimestral. Vol. X, Año 2024, No. 1 (enero - abril)
test and post-test were contrasted to test the hypotheses and finally draw conclusions about the
effectiveness of the strategy. Among the main results, it was found that the experimental group
improved their level of English by 18%, which was an enriching experience in the application of
Gamification in English skills.
KEYWORDS: gamification; strategy; English; skills; bachelor students.
Estrategia de aprendizaje basado en juegos para desarrollar las competencias de inglés en
los estudiantes de bachillerato
Mejorar los conocimientos de inglés, especialmente en regiones donde no es la lengua materna,
puede plantear diversos retos. Como consecuencia, diversos investigadores han tomado medidas
para investigar y crear nuevas estrategias para hacer frente a este problema. Con el objetivo de
fortalecer el aprendizaje del inglés y sus habilidades como escuchar, leer, hablar y escribir. Este
estudio construyó una estrategia basada en el juego para mejorar las habilidades de inglés en
estudiantes de bachillerato.
Por esa razón, este estudio es cuasi-experimental, con un enfoque cuantitativo y alcance
descriptivo, ya que los participantes fueron primero, seleccionados a través del método de muestreo
de conveniencia y oportunidad, luego clasificados en dos grupos control y experimental, y
finalmente, evaluados a través del Cambridge Test PET (Preliminary English Test B1) la cual
funcionó como pre-test y post-test. Luego los resultados obtenidos en el pre-test y en el pos-test
fueron contrastados para posteriormente comprobar las hipótesis y finalmente extraer las
conclusiones sobre la eficacia de la estrategia. Entre los principales resultados se encontró que el
grupo experimental mejoró su nivel de inglés en un 18%, lo que supuso una experiencia
enriquecedora sobre la aplicación de la gamificación en las habilidades del inglés.
PALABRAS CLAVE: gamificación; estrategia; habilidades; inglés; estudiantes de bachillerato.
Mikarimin. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria ISSN 2528-7842
Game-based Learning Strategy to develop English Skills
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes - Sede Santo Domingo. Ecuador.
Nowadays, English teaching in Ecuador has become a fundamental element for basic and bachelor
students. Through language teaching process is intended to empower students with assertive
competencies to face globalization in order to open new horizons for their professional
development. On the other hand, global statistics from the UNESCO (United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization) in the year 2016 points English language as the second most
practiced language. However, according to the observations made in the academic field, it has been
detected that the lack of strategies and methods for teaching caused a decrease by 60 percent, of
motivation for learning a foreign language, especially because of the level of difficulty of some
English skills (Palma, 2020).
In September 2021, English language proficiency levels in Ecuador varied widely across different
regions and age groups. The English proficiency of Ecuadorians was generally lower compared to
some other Latin American countries, being Ecuador the second country with lowest level of
English (Jeon, 2023).
Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) Levels:
English language proficiency is often categorized using the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages (CEFR) levels, which range from A1 (beginner) to C2 (proficient). Here's
a general overview of the English language proficiency levels in Ecuador as of that time:
a) Low Proficiency (A1 to A2): Many Ecuadorians have basic English skills, capable of simple
conversations and understanding commonly used phrases. These individuals might struggle with
more complex language usage and detailed communication.
b) Limited to Moderate Proficiency (B1 to B2): Some Ecuadorians could engage in more detailed
conversations and understand a wider range of vocabulary. They might be able to express
themselves on familiar topics, but fluency and accuracy could vary.
c) Higher Proficiency (C1 to C2): Fewer individuals in Ecuador reached these higher proficiency
levels. Those at C1 could handle complex language tasks and communicate effectively in various
situations. Those at C2 had near-native or highly advanced proficiency.
The situation in which students are immersed has a direct influence on the English learning
processes, since students do not see the need to master a second language so, numerous studies
have dealt with this problem.
Lozada Maritza
Riera Iralda, Castellano Vinicio, Lozada Nataly
Revista Mikarimin. Publicación cuatrimestral. Vol. X, Año 2024, No. 1 (enero - abril)
However, efforts were being made to improve English language education and proficiency
nationwide though the application of different strategies to strength English levels which are
pertinent to the environment and belong to a heterogeneous environment where information and
technologies in education constitute a phenomenon of great social transcendence (Bundick et al.,
2014). Therefore, the teaching-learning processes of English has been changing and new theories
propose the teaching of this from contextualized environments and practices that allow students to
have a meaningful learning.
Improving English skills, especially in regions where it's not the primary language, can present a
range of challenges. These challenges can vary depending on factors like cultural context,
educational systems, and access to resources. Eventually, overcoming these challenges requires a
combination of effective teaching methods, access to resources, immersive experiences, and a
positive learning environment. That is why it is important to approach language learning with
patience, perseverance, and willingness to engage actively with the language in various contexts
(Zhai, 2023).
As consequence, researchers have taken measures to investigate and create new strategies to face
this problem from which language learning can be strengthened and skills like: listening, writing,
speaking, and reading can be acquired more easily (Del Vasto, 2015). Due to learning English, like
any other language, requires a combination of strategies to effectively acquire and develop
language skills.
Here are some commonly used strategies to learn English explained by Bundick (2014): 1)
Immersion: Surround with the English language as much as possible, by watching English movies
and TV shows, by listening to English music and podcasts, and by reading English books,
newspapers, or magazines; 2) Practice Speaking: regularly with native speakers or language
partners, by engaging in conversations, participating in language exchange programs, or joining
language clubs to practice speaking skills and gaining confidence; 3) Vocabulary Building: by
learning new words and phrases every day, by using flashcards, vocabulary apps, or language
learning websites to expand English vocabulary, by practicing the new words in sentences to
reinforce their usage; 4) Language Learning Apps: Utilizing language learning apps like Duolingo,
Memrise, or Rosetta Stone to practice reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills in a structured
and interactive manner; 5) Scaffolding: by providing appropriate support and assistance to learners
to enhance their overall learning experience and promoting higher levels of achievement; 6) Game-
Mikarimin. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria ISSN 2528-7842
Game-based Learning Strategy to develop English Skills
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes - Sede Santo Domingo. Ecuador.
based learning: brings the strategies, rules and social experiences of playing several games while
In accordance with the alternatives reviewed to meet this need in which Córdoba et al. (2017) agree
that the use of games in education makes the classroom a playful place of learning and constant
motivation for many students. Games also inspire students to think, to create, and to recreate with
activities that contribute to the development of attention and active reading skills. The Game-based
Learning model allows teachers to target certain activities that will benefit the real-world
application of concepts due this can lead to more immersive and collaborative learning
opportunities (Mariya, 2016).
The research project seeks to generate a pedagogical strategy by using games to strengthen students'
English skills. In this way, teachers can enhance student’s English levels by allowing them to
exceed their own expectations additionally, it allows teachers to explore in depth how to use
different strategies linked with the development of English skills.
Based on this context, the research question is the following. Does the Game-based Learning
strategy improve student's English Skills? According to this research question the hypothesis are
the following.
H0. The application of the Game-based Learning strategy will develop English skills in bachelor
H1. The application of the Game-based Learning strategy will not develop English skills in
bachelor students.
Consequently, the main objective of this research is to determine the effectiveness of Game-based
Learning for the enhancement of students’ English skills. The specific objectives are 1) to describe
bibliographical citations about Game-based Learning which is suitable for English skills
improvement; 2) to analyze English skills deficiencies among third-year of bachelor students
through a pre-test; 3) to apply the Game-based Learning strategy and measure the impact on the
English skills through a post-test.
Game-based Learning Strategy
Game-based Learning is a teaching method that uses the power of games to define and support
learning outcomes. A GBL environment achieves this through educational games that have
elements such as engagement, immediate rewards, and healthy competition. All so that while
Lozada Maritza
Riera Iralda, Castellano Vinicio, Lozada Nataly
Revista Mikarimin. Publicación cuatrimestral. Vol. X, Año 2024, No. 1 (enero - abril)
students play, they stay motivated to learn (Mariya, 2016). Those can be applied through online
games or in person. On one hand, online games also offer a delicate balance between in-class
lessons and educational gameplay due teachers introduce students to new concepts and show them
how to work. Then, students are able to practice these concepts through digital games. While, in
person students can use physical objects where teachers would use a traditional learning
environment to help students to understand rules while, they have fun. Those games could be
played independently or in teams (Griva et al., 2020).
Some of the benefits of using Game-based Learning are: stimulating students’ motivation for
English learning; enhancing involvement in learning through senses, and integrating new or
relevant topics to previous knowledge. Game-based Learning should have a guide instruction to
create a positive environment, and generate academic success. According to Ghazy et al. (2021)
the strategy has some stages, which have to be applied in order to get success in students’ English
skills, these stages are explained in Figure 1.
The project has two major stages the first is the warm-up phase, where a visual approach must be
followed to familiarize students with certain words and simple common phrases in English. Then,
the second stage is the intervention which has three sub-stages of intervention, starting with the
introduction of the games where, the teacher gives a brief description of each game. The purpose
of this stage is to make students enhance certain vocabulary, and develop concepts and functions,
as well as understanding the process and the rules of each game. Besides, it is important to stimulate
students’ participation in the games (Rincón, 2022).
Then, the teacher is able to explore the topic with the students. Consequently, the second stage is
playing and interacting through games, the main purpose of this step is to involve students into the
game, for this step, a recommendation on this stage is to create an enjoyable learning atmosphere,
as well as encouraging students’ creativity by using their imagination. Finally, the last sub-stage is
practicing and recycling new language patterns. During this stage, teachers make students to
practice and recycle certain phrases and language functions which were acquired in the previous
steps (Cheung, 2021).
Mikarimin. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria ISSN 2528-7842
Game-based Learning Strategy to develop English Skills
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes - Sede Santo Domingo. Ecuador.
Figure 1
Model of application of the strategy Game-based learning
Note. Adapted from the study of Ghazy et al. (2021). The model explains how game based strategy should
be applied.
This study is quasi-experimental, with a quantitative approach and descriptive scope since it is
oriented towards a quantitative paradigm, which is understood as the validation of knowledge
where only valid knowledge is accepted as verifiable, measurable and visible (Thomas, 2022). A
quasi-experimental research was used due this design establishes a cause-and-effect relationship
between the variables dependent and independent
Application of Game-based learning strategy
First phase
Warm up
Second phase
1. Introduction of the
games and
2. Playing and
interacting through
3. Practicing and
recycling new language
Students are presented with words in meaningful contexts and
are encouraged to play with these words through visual
- To make students to practice
- To consolidate certain phrases
and language functions acquired
- To involve students into the game
- To play the game
- To encourage children’s
creativity and use imagination.
Lozada Maritza
Riera Iralda, Castellano Vinicio, Lozada Nataly
Revista Mikarimin. Publicación cuatrimestral. Vol. X, Año 2024, No. 1 (enero - abril)
Figure 2
Research Design
Note. Adapted from Validez Estructurada para una investigación cuasi-experimental de calidad”, by
Fernandez et al. (2014), Anal. Psicol, 30(2).
The reason why the quantitative research was chosen is because the data required for hypothesis
testing are numerical data to explain the relationship between the variables (Game-based Learning
and English skills), due this processes allows to obtain accurate data on the object of study. The
study has a descriptive scope because it aims to provide a detailed and comprehensive account of
a particular phenomenon, situation, event, or subject (Thompson, 2021).
Then, two techniques were applied in this study, bibliographic research and field research. The
bibliographic research technique was used to contrast the theoretical framework of departure, for
this, the study was carried out by reviewing scientific texts to obtain relevant information about the
subject. The literature on the theoretical foundations of the variables Game-based Learning and
English skills were reviewed, as well as the measurement instruments used by the studies on the
topics related to the aforementioned variables. For the field research technique, two questionnaires
were used, the first to obtain information on the students' English level and the second to obtain
information on the students' level of satisfaction about the strategy.
Mikarimin. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria ISSN 2528-7842
Game-based Learning Strategy to develop English Skills
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes - Sede Santo Domingo. Ecuador.
Figure 3
Research process
Note. Adapted from Validez Estructurada para una investigación cuasi-experimental de calidad”, by
Fernandez et al. (2014), Anal. Psicol, 30(2).
As part of the study process, firstly, the groups to be part of the study were selected though
Convenience and opportunity sampling method, this technique uses people from an already defined
population which was chosen because of the convenience of the researcher. Then, the study was
applied, it means the application of the strategy Game-based Learning. Thirdly, the results obtained
from the pre-test and post-test were contrasted to later test the hypotheses and finally to draw the
conclusions about the effectiveness of the strategy.
The population defined were the students of "Unidad Educativa Luis Fernando Ruiz" of Latacunga
city since there is a relationship with this Institution. Third-Bachelor students were taken as a
sample since they are the target group of this research and they need to improve their English skills
in order to apply them into personal and academic context, especially when they start studying the
The data were collected in August 2023, with prior authorization from the authorities. The
instrument for the study was obtained from Cambridge Test PET (Preliminary English Test B1). It
functioned as a pre-test and post-test. Level B1 is mainly used for teenagers and bachelor students
between 16 to 18 years, according to the International Institute Cambridge English Qualifications
(2020). The scale was developed by following well-documented instruments which link the
students' performance according to their level.
The evaluation aims to test the English level by evaluating the four English skills reading, listening,
writing and speaking. Once the population size and the object of study were defined, the pre-test
To choose the sample
To apply the study
To analyze the results
To prove the hypotesis
To stablish conclusions
Lozada Maritza
Riera Iralda, Castellano Vinicio, Lozada Nataly
Revista Mikarimin. Publicación cuatrimestral. Vol. X, Año 2024, No. 1 (enero - abril)
was applied to the two groups of interest to analyze the English level. The test was applied by
answering the four sections of the test. Consequently, a technical data sheet in table 1 provides a
description about the participants and the study.
Table 1
Research Technical Data Sheet
2 groups of 31 students (62 students in total)
August 2023
Questionnaire Pre-test and Post-test
Valid Questionnaires
Note. This table shows a resume of the data that will be collected according to the target, temporality,
method, and number of questionnaires. Adapted from “Técnicas de muestreo y determinación del tamaño
de la muestra en investigación cuantitativa”. By Rabolini (2009), Revista Argentina de Humanidades y
Ciencias Sociales, 2.
After the results were collected, they were transcribed to an Excel sheet to analyze the results of
the four sections. Then, the addition of these four sections was the result for each student. To
investigate the effectiveness of this strategy, a structured program was designed to allow students
to complete 16 planned sections during August and September 2023. Once the lesson plans were
approved, they were run with an experimental team. Subsequently, the same test was used to
determine if the English skills had changed by applying the post-test to the experimental and
control groups, in order to observe if there were significant changes that show the effect of the
independent variable (Game-based strategy) on the dependent variable (English skills). Then using
the statistical T-Student test was used for hypothesis testing.
Student's t-test
Hypothesis testing or contrast is a statistical reasoning procedure used to answer a research question
from the evidence contained in a data set. The process includes a four phase hypothesis approach
according to Hurtado y Silvente (2012).
Mikarimin. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria ISSN 2528-7842
Game-based Learning Strategy to develop English Skills
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes - Sede Santo Domingo. Ecuador.
Figure 4
Process for the hypothesis testing
Note. The figure ilustrates the four stages to test the hypothesis. Adapted from “Cómo aplicar las pruebas
paramétricas bivariadas t de Student y ANOVA en SPSS. Caso práctico”. Reire, 5(2).
Finally as the last part of the metodology, a satisfaction questionnaire obtained from the study of
Brioso (2021) was also used, where 15 questions were asked divided into 3 categories, motivation,
learning and innovation where each question contains 5 multiple choice answers on a Likert scale
of 1 to 5, being 1 the lowest satisfaction value and 5 the highest value.
Pre-test and post-test results
Table 2
Pre-test and post-test comparison
group averages
averages %
Control group
Control group averages %
Pre test
post- test
Note. Mean pre-test and post-test results of the control and experimental groups.
Lozada Maritza
Riera Iralda, Castellano Vinicio, Lozada Nataly
Revista Mikarimin. Publicación cuatrimestral. Vol. X, Año 2024, No. 1 (enero - abril)
The table allowed to contrast the results obtained in the pre-test versus the post-test, these tests
were used to analyze the impact of strategy as a mediation to strength English skills, where the
students' answers were registered according to the number of correct answers. Then, an average
per course was obtained over ten points and percentages.
Among the application of the pre-test, the experimental group obtained an average of 6.75 out of
10, which in percentage represents 67.5% of mastery of English skills domain. On the other hand,
the control group obtained 6.51 out of 10, which in percentage represents a 65.1% of mastery on
the English skills. In other words, there is a variation of 2.4% between the two groups, which can
be interpreted that there is no significant difference between the two groups during the pre-test. It
also can be assimilated that according to the results the English level is similar in both groups.
Through the application of the post-test, the experimental group obtained an average of 8.64 out
of 10, which in percentage represents 86.4% of domain of the English skills. On the other side,
the control group obtained 6.87 out of 10, which in percentage represents 68.7% of mastery on
the already mentioned skills, therefore, there is a variation of 18% among the two groups, this
result means that there is a significant difference in the groups experimental and control.
Hypothesis testing
1) Hypothesis statement.
H0: µ2-µ1=0 (Post-test and pre-test means are equal).
H1: µ2-µ1≠0 (Post-test and pre-test mean are different).
2) Calculation of the Test Statistic.
Since the sample is greater than 30, the t-statistic presents a t-distribution with 55 degrees of
freedom. Therefore, with the help of the Microsoft Excel program, the following results described
in the table 3 were obtained.
Table 3
Two-sample t-test
Experimental group
Control group
Mikarimin. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria ISSN 2528-7842
Game-based Learning Strategy to develop English Skills
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes - Sede Santo Domingo. Ecuador.
Hypothetical difference of means
Degrees of freedom
Statistic t
P(T<=t) a tail
Critical value of t (one-tailed)
P(T<=t) two tails
Critical value of t (two-tailed)
Note. Prepared by the authors based on data obtained from the pre-test and post-test with the help of
Microsoft Excel.
3) Hypothesis testing.
The acceptance or rejection criteria for hypothesis H0 and H1 are presented below.
1) If t-critical is≤ t-statistic; H0 will be rejected.
2) If t-critical is ≥t-statistical; H0 will be accepted.
The results of the data showed that with the risk level of 0.05 and degrees of freedom=55;
critical t = 2.00404444783; T-statistic= 5.394923136.
If t-critical is≤ t-statistic; H0 will be rejected, in other words as t critical is equal to 2.004044783
and t-statistic is equal to 5.394949231313, H0 is rejected
4) Decision.
Based on the criterion that If t-critical is≤ t-statistic; H0 is rejected and H1 or alternative
hypothesis is accepted, since the value of critical T is less than the value of t-statistic and the
null hypothesis does not meet the criteria. Therefore, it is worth mentioning that the level of
English is different between the two groups.
Satisfaction survey
Motivation dimension.
Table 4
Level of satisfaction of the dimension Motivation
Number of
Likert scale
Total in points
Percentage of satisfaction
Lozada Maritza
Riera Iralda, Castellano Vinicio, Lozada Nataly
Revista Mikarimin. Publicación cuatrimestral. Vol. X, Año 2024, No. 1 (enero - abril)
Almost never
Almost always
Note. The table shows an average level of satisfaction with the motivation dimension. Own elaboration
according to the data.
Out of a total of 31 respondents, 49% affirmed that they always feel motivated to use Game-based
Learning strategy, opposed to the 2% who never feel motivated to use the platform. Being that the
half of students agree with the level of motivation that they had when using Game-based strategy.
Learning dimensión.
Table 5
Level of satisfaction Learning dimension
Number of students
Likert scale
Total in points
Percentage of
Almost never
Almost always
Note. The table shows an average of the learning dimension. Own elaboration according to the data.
Out of a total of 31 respondents, 57% state that of the times they used Game-based, their learning
level always had a positive impact, however 1% never felt that the use of the already mentioned
strategy influenced their learning level.
Innovation dimension.
Mikarimin. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria ISSN 2528-7842
Game-based Learning Strategy to develop English Skills
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes - Sede Santo Domingo. Ecuador.
Table 6
Level of satisfaction of the dimension Innovation
Number of students
Likert scale
Total in points
Percentage of
Almost never
Almost always
Note. The table shows an average level of satisfaction with the innovation dimension. Own elaboration
according to the data.
Out of a total of 31 respondents, 56% stated that they always felt that the use of Game-based
strategy was innovative, while 2% stated that they never felt innovation when using Game-based
Learning. According to the results obtained, it was found that more than half of the students
surveyed agree that game based is an innovative tool.
Based on the analysis carried out using the Microsoft Excel program, the following information
is the articulation between the theoretical, empirical and practical components, which are part
of the research process already developed. This will make it possible to answer the general
objective of the research by analyzing the correspondence between Game-based Learning and
English skills.
Taking into account the results obtained by applying pre- and post-tests during the development
of the quasi-experimental study and comparing both results, it is possible to observe the
influence of Game-based Learning strategy in enhancing English skills in the third level of the
students of “Luis Fernando Ruiz High school” where the difference of results means that the
students of the experimental group improved their English skills by 18%, this being a positive
result of the independent variable (Game-based strategy) with respect to the dependent variable
(English skills).
Lozada Maritza
Riera Iralda, Castellano Vinicio, Lozada Nataly
Revista Mikarimin. Publicación cuatrimestral. Vol. X, Año 2024, No. 1 (enero - abril)
As for the hypothesis testing, according to the results, the null hypothesis was rejected and the
alternative hypothesis was accepted, indicating that Game-based strategy had a significant
impact on the development of students' English skills.
With respect to the results of the satisfaction survey, it was also possible to identify a better
motivation to learn, with an evident increase in academic performance, which are the reasons
why more than half percent of the students are satisfied with the use of the Game-based strategy.
Since 49% of students surveyed affirmed that they always feel motivated to use a Game-based
strategy. In light of the above, there are other studies such as Acosta (2021) who mentions that
Gamification is used as a means of motivation for students given that when it is used creatively
it increases student’s motivation. Eventually, Razali (2020) demonstrated that the impact of the
use of Game-based Learning in educational fields reflects positive results due to the high
motivation when making use of the didactic strategies.
On the other hand, talking about learning, 57% state that during the times they used Game-
based strategy their learning level always had a positive impact. It can be noted and emphasized
that the level of the students improved significantly due to the implementation of the already
mentioned strategy where the students' perceptions show an improvement in linguistic skills
since it allows students to keep playing while they learn. Game-based strategy has proven to be
a powerful tool that complements traditional education and provides students and educators with
an enriching learning experience according to Jeon (2023).
Finally talking about innovation 56% of the students stated that they always felt that the use of
Game-based strategy was innovative. It is very interesting to note that according to the results
obtained in this research, it was found that more than half of the students surveyed agree that
Game-based Learning is an innovative tool because students learn while they are playing. In
addition, Rasulovna (2023) suggests that one of the reasons for the introduction of gaming in
education is the renewal of pedagogical practices through the new didactic opportunities they
offer, to ensure better student learning and decrease school failure and thus, contribute to
educational quality. Therefore, its use and application in learning have had a great impact on the
innovation of new teaching-learning methodologies (Miranda, 2021).
Also, in the course of the research, many international articles, dissertations, and master's theses
were found, which show very positive results of the strategy. Nevertheless, in Ecuador Game
based strategy is not well known in comparison with other strategies such as scaffolding,
Mikarimin. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria ISSN 2528-7842
Game-based Learning Strategy to develop English Skills
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes - Sede Santo Domingo. Ecuador.
immersion, language learning apps, vocabulary building, and conversation practices (Villamar,
The development of the present research constitutes an enriching experience at a professional
level that allowed the application of the learning into a practical educational environment. It is
concluded that the students who made up the experimental group obtained higher scores than
the students who made up the control group. In addition, during the intervention, the students
showed interest and motivation for the learning process. In addition to this, in accordance with
the specific objectives proposed in this research, it is presented below a serie of conclusions that
arise from the comparison of the results evidenced in the participating groups.
With respect to the first specific objective, the theoretical foundations to consolidate the study
were described, and a review of the literature on studies related to the subject of the study and
its dimensions was carried out. For this purpose, the current context of the educational system
and its intervening factors were described as well as a model presented before in Figure 1 where
each stage was described and its activities.
Regarding the second specific objective to analyze English skills deficiencies among third-year
bachelor student it was found that both groups of students had a similar level of English Skills
showing a deficiency especially in speaking and listening skills.
Finally, the implementation of the strategy in the experimental group led to the fulfillment of
the third specific objective, which was intended to analyze the impact of Game-based Learning
strategy and measure its impact on the English skills it was found that the students where the
strategy was applied showed a higher proficiency of English skills obtaining favorable results,
which are observable in the analysis of results and susceptible to subsequent revisions that will
allow to deepen this or other researches.
Finally, as future lines of research it is proposed to contrast the effectiveness of different
strategies such us scaffolding, immersion, language learning apps, vocabulary building, and
conversation practice to identify the pros and cons of each.
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